Price: $7.00 per student. For every 5 students, 1 chaperone is admitted free. Additional chaperones are $9.00 per person.
Students will get their tickets at a train station, get their tickets punched aboard a passenger car, and build a section of railroad track.
Students will learn about telegraph technology in the train station, use flag signals as brakemen, and handle the controls on a board a restored steam locomotive.
Students will explore the innovations that made railroads faster, safer, and more efficient. Along the way, they will see what these innovations meant for those who worked or rode on the railroad. During the tour, students will be invited to climb aboard some of the locomotives and rail cars from the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania’s collection.
Juliette O’Connor, Museum Educator 2, (717) 687-8628, ext 3025, or by email
Jesse Shetrom, Museum Educator 1, (717) 687-8628, ext 3022, or by email